Sunday, November 25, 2012

Giant Panda Sculpture

See the paper mache clay sculpture tutorial

 You need :  

                                                     - Iron wire
                                                     - Masking tape
                                                     - Your home-made paper mache clay or you can find the recipe here
                                                     - Aluminum foil ( best one to shape ) or scrap paper
                                                     - Different views of your subject
                                                     - Shaping tools ( palette knives for example )
                                                     - Primer
                                                     - Acrylic paint
                                                     - Any kind of oil to protect you work and give it its last finish, I used wood varnish.

 Prepping before starting! 

                      First you have to decide in what position you want the subject to be. Look for images
                      that comes close to that and vision it in 3D in front of you. It's important to never lose
                      the scale that you are working it, always check that everything is according  to the anatomy
                      of the subject. Keep editing until your fully satisfied with it. Take your time, cause I always 
                      get to excited and try to finish it fast xD

                      First I made a frame with iron wire for the basic shapes for my subject and for the parts
                      I wanted to keep stiff, like his feet and ears.

                      Next I shaped his body with aluminium foil, making everything thick as much as it needed,
                      so I don't have to use up a lot of paper mache clay, and taped the whole thing with masking tape.

                      For the next step I used my paper mache clay and started covering his head with the clay and 
                      shaped it according to the anatomy and started on his back, chest, arms, stomach and last his 
                      legs after I finished its head. 
                    ( you could also shape and let it try piece by piece to lower the risk of ruining the details 
                       in the face and etc. )

                      After everything was fully dry I painted the whole thing with primer first to prevent it from getting 
                      wet in any way possible, cause I am using acrylic paint.

                      Next, after drying the primer layer, I painted it with the acrylic paint.

                      The last step is putting the oil on. I used wood varnish cause it gives a super shine. I smear the 
                      excess oils of with some paper tissue where  don't want it to shine a lot. This last step protects
                      the paint and your sculpture.

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